Other Jack Abramoff
By Kim Eisler
The week he was on the cover of Time I arranged to meet him in the crowded lobby of the Marriott Wardman Park. Despite his cover-boy status, not a soul recognized him. We sat at a table in the middle of a convention of astronomers and talked about everything that had happened. He was not in denial mode.
“We were a band of killers,” he said of his lobbying practice. “We did a lot of bad things.” He was proud of the fact that if someone got between him and the interests of his clients, he would do everything possible to destroy them.
Once when George Clooney criticized him on national television, Jack looked up both himself and his critic online. “Put my name in, and then do the same for Clooney,” Jack wrote me. “I’m at 12M+ and he’s only 9M+. I win.”
And President Bush’s claims that he didn’t know or remember Abramoff? “Pretty ridiculous,” Jack said. Later that evening he showed me a stack of photographs of himself with both President Bush and then-speaker Dennis Hastert.
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