So, I'm a veteran grass-roots Democratic campaigner who is really fed up with Congress -- mostly with Harry Reid's Senate.
It occurred to me, that the following chart comparing the Republicans' and Democrats' tax proposals would be great on a hand-out to voters. At the top, you could simply ask the question, which tax plan do you want?, that chart looks really good -- for me and my neighbors.
I really like it. It's almost enough to get me out to work for Democrats this Fall.
Problem is that I fear another bait and switch. I got burned by the Democrats' luring me to work for them based on false promises on a number of issues in 2008. I don't want to go through that disappointment again.
For example, in 2008, I told a lot of seniors around my age about Obama's plan for funding Social Security by raising payroll taxes on those earning over $250,000 per year for example. They liked it.
As we all know, after Obama got elected, instead of sticking to his promises in 2008 on covering future Social Security shortfalls, Obama appointed the Cat Food Commission. In my view, that is just a way for Obama to avoid taking responsibility for breaking his promises to seniors. How cowardly!
And that is not the only issue on which we were handed the old bait and switch routine in 2008.
I think the only important promise that was kept was passage of the Lilly Ledbetter bill. After that, the voters were forgotten. Making sure Wall Street got to keep its bonuses was the top priority, not the other 99.9% of the population.
Obama's health care insurance bill doesn't cut costs -- as all who received notices of higher insurance premiums since it was passed are well aware. Just what the effects on Medicare will be are still unknowable. Then there is Iraq. Obama claims we are "out," but as far as I am concerned, as long as we are feeding, clothing and housing 50,000 troops there, we are still "in."
I was sitting with a group of women this morning. 2/5 of them are renters. 1/5 is OK in a very old, inadequate house with a low mortgage. The 2/5 living in decent housing with a mortgage are facing foreclosure. Democrats in Congress have done nothing, nada, nichts, rien to help my neighbors keep their houses. In 2008, I took it upon myself to assure voters that Democrats would not give in to the banks as Bush did. I wish I could brag to my neighbors about how Obama saved their homes, but ........
And Democrats have done even less to help my neighbors keep their jobs.
So, thinking back on the 2008 campaign, I feel that Obama and the Democrats in Congress made me look like a liar.
How can I go out and talk to my neighbors about voting when all they remember is that I lied to them last time?
I repeat: Many of my neighbors are facing foreclosure. Some have lost their jobs. Many more fear losing their homes and jobs. And Democrats in Congress have voted to allow the banks to walk off with all the money -- and the houses -- and Democrats have done nothing about stopping the exportation of my neighbors' jobs.
So, with regard to the budget proposal that was printed in the Washington Post, I want to know BEFORE I PUT MY REPUTATION AND THE TRUST OF MY NEIGHBORS ON THE LINE, before I go out and start campaigning to get out the vote for Democrats this Fall -- HOW MANY MEMBERS OF CONGRESS PROMISE TO VOTE YES FOR THE DEMOCRATIC TAX PLAN THAT IS SET FORTH IN THE WASHINGTON POST?
Before I talk to my neighbors, I want some assurances that the Democrats in Congress will work for my neighbors and not for their fat cat campaign donors.
I refuse to be part of another bait and switch election campaign.
I refuse to be a pawn in a political chess game in which my only function is to be sacrificed to save very wealthy kings.
This time, before I campaign, I want something I can rely on, like the signatures of enough Democrats in Congress to actually pass the proposed tax plan -- on the dotted line.
And don't tell me the Republicans are worse. That's not the issue. I don't want my political party to tell me lies, and I don't want to lie to my friends or neighbors. At my level, politics is about community, about friends, not about power.