No, God's Penis is not a biological organ. I never said God's Penis was the same as man's penis. Obviously it wouldn't be. That is why I pointed out God has a Holy, Righteous Penis. That is to say, it's not the same as man's corrupted, fleshy one.
As I said when this subject first came up, once again: Penises are not just for sex & peeing. It is only because man is evil that he thinks of penises exclusively in those terms.
Man is made in the image of God the Father. That is the primary reason why man has a penis.
You cannot insert your evil prejudicial ideas of man's penis onto God - which is exactly what you are doing. God's Penis is not equal to man's penis. It's really not hard to understand.
That's the beauty of Heaven... we can leave our brains behind.
I’m saying that everything that is evil is a distortion of what is good. The slavery that God initiated is not at all evil; your only argument that it’s evil is that Europeans twisted it for their selfish gain to exploit Africans. Is sex bad because people do it in the wrong way (outside of marriage or homosexually)? Is marriage evil because people get divorced? Absolutely not. Equivocating old testament Hebrew slavery to “New World” slavery is like saying marriage and gay marriage are the same. They are fundementally different even though one may have evolved from the other.
Speaking of the man in black... Johnny Cash gets the award for the biggest sellout since Judas Iscariot. Johnny's latest album is on the American (formerly Def American) record label owned by Rick Rubin. … Now you want to hear the unbelievable? Not only did Johnny Cash record a song on American label produced by Rick Rubin — but on the album he sings a song written by Satanist Glenn Danzig! The name of the song? You guessed it — Thirteen! If you know your Bible, you know the number thirteen is connected with sin and the devil!
By sharia law, obama is a muslim because his father was one. This is how you tell if he is muslim or not. If he is as claimed a christian, then by sharia law he is an apostate, and the punishment for that is death. Since there is not one cleric issuing fatwas for his death, then that would imply that he is not an apostate
i believe one creationist has suggested the "glaciers" were not ice but frozen water.