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Circular Firing Squad! Palin's pal O'Donnell attacked by the RNC and DE GOP

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-10-10 11:10 AM
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Circular Firing Squad! Palin's pal O'Donnell attacked by the RNC and DE GOP
Palin's O'Donnell is attacked by the RNC while DE GOP attacks O'Donnell AND Tea Party Express

* September 10th, 2010 9:54 am ET

"The time has come for us to put down the protest signs and pick up the campaign signs" says Amy Kremer of the Tea Party Express.

Apparently Sarah Palin agrees. Yesterday Sarah Palin officially endorsed Christine O'Donnell for Delaware Senate on Sean Hannity's show. Hannity tweeted about the incident after the show.

It also seems the RNC (Republican National Committee) agrees and is ready to pick up campaign signs… for Mike Castle. The RNC has allegedly been making "robo-calls" to voters in Delaware informing people of Castle's fiscal conservatism. Many already frustrated Delawareans are now becoming angry. They are attempting to call the RNC office today and let them know that Delaware is tired of their establishment candidate (202-863-8500).

O'Donnell's campaign, still most likely reeling from their unexpected Palin endorsement discussed Palin's words (spoken and written). Palin had the following to say about O'Donnell: "The wave of positive change can really sweep across our land with the election of Constitutional Conservatives who promise to use common sense and rein in the federal government spending! Please support Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. She will support efforts for America’s energy security, patient-centered health care reform, cutting government waste, and letting the private sector thrive and prosper! We can’t afford “more of the same” in Washington. Christine will help usher in the real change we need to get America on the right track. Please visit her website at and follow her on Facebook and Twitter."

The Delaware GOP's response? Tom Ross (who claimed that "she could not be elected dog catcher,") strangely enough has filed a FEC complaint against O'Donnell pointing to the Tea Party Express and claiming there is illegal activity. Strangely enough Tom Ross may also be heard on NPR (National Public Radio) discussing the O'Donnell and Castle race. One may find it interesting that Tom Ross "Tom Russ explains why candidate Mike Castle is right for the job" on a known Democrat station. Ross points to the number of people who attended a single O'Donnell rally "they had 50 people to rally for a United States Senate candidate". Mike Castle certainly has more people than that when he shows up in Sussex County, but that may be because he refuses to have any pre-announced rallies in the fear that he may have to account for his voting record.
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no_hypocrisy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-10-10 11:17 AM
Response to Original message
1. SP to RNC: Keep your hands off Christine and she will too.
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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-10-10 11:26 AM
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2. This sentence is insane
Edited on Fri Sep-10-10 11:27 AM by karynnj
"Mike Castle certainly has more people than that when he shows up in Sussex County, but that may be because he refuses to have any pre-announced rallies in the fear that he may have to account for his voting record."

Are they really saying he has MORE people at rallies because he does not pre-announce them?? If he says this - because of his experience with Castle's opponent - does that mean that people AVOID any place they hear she will be - so more are there if she simply goes there?
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Supersedeas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-10-10 04:39 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. strange how RW logic works for RW journalists
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