I just found out today that one of my closest friends in nursing school is a teabagger. He's not a stupid man, hell, he and I graduated at the top of our class. Since we were in San Antonio, a goodly portion of our class ended up in the military. Heck, I almost did. Dodged that bullet but that's a story for another time.
I was perusing Facebook today, you know, it's like phone book except you can waste a whole afternoon on it. My friend posted this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWpOcZVnBrc (hopefully, that's the right link. Please don't feel like you have to watch the whole thing. It's crap from start to finish)
Here was my response to him:
I'm so glad I didn't go into the military. That can fuck your shit up, something fierce. Goodness knows, I love ya, but damn, you're a teabagger? BTW, I'm one of those damn liberals who are boycotting your fine state because of your racist governor and her brownshirts.
You wanna fix your border? Legalize all drugs. No more druglords. Can't help you with the brown people though, they come with being American, right along with the spics, the n*ggers and even the muslims.
But, then after I thought about it, I realized I'm just playing the game the way TPTB want us to. Fight amongst ourselves and they can walk away with everything, unscathed.