"It remains unclear whether Pastor Terry Jones will go ahead with his plan to burn Korans in Florida on Saturday. His daughter Emma has begged him not to go through with it. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, she describes a man who became a victim of his own delusions."
SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Ms. Jones, your father wants to burn hundreds of Korans at his church in Florida on Saturday. What do you think of the plan?"
Emma Jones: "I am shocked and condemn it. When I hear what he is currently saying in interviews about his motivations, he seems like a stranger to me."
SPIEGEL ONLINE: "It is true, then, that the church in Cologne ousted your father itself?"
Jones: "Yes."
SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Did he leave Cologne willingly?"
Jones: "It was a mixture. We confronted him and demanded that he correct his errors. But he didn't give in. When we brought up the church finances, he disappeared the next day."
SPIEGEL ONLINE: "Is your father a megalomaniac?"
Jones: "I'm afraid he is. As his daughter, it is difficult for me to say that."
full interview: