Engineers of Empireby Danny Schechter
Published on Friday, September 10, 2010 by
The Secretary of State was shuttling between Washington where peace in the Middle East remains elusive to New York to where the poobahs and her protégés at the Council on Foreign Relations welcomed her as the second coming.
She has now has enunciated her own “doctrine” in the footsteps of thosei n our ‘inDOCTRINE-ated’ history of intervention over the centuries. (Remember James’s Monroe’s earlier imperial doctrine claiming Latin America as ours?)
In her charge to the foreign policy elite, she spoke of the need for “a new global architecture, “built to last and withstand stress.” And in a muscular departure from the way in which this administration—for fear of seeming Bush-like—has been shrinking from the unembarrassed propagation of American values, she uttered these plainspoken, unadorned words: “Democracy needs defending.”
Off in Iraq and Afghanistan where trillions have been spent (read: wasted) to promote US style “democracy”, time is running out for that “New Dawn” that President Obama spoke wistfully of, and Hillary backed with generous appropriations when this “reassuring woman” stalked the halls of the Senate.
Now, her State Department is taking over the occupation of Iraq and no doubt, soon, Afghanistan. Hill gushes that we are on the verge of, “a new American moment—a moment when our global leadership is essential.” The report again: "There was no bowing from her to potentates in robes; there was, instead, a promise that “we will do everything we can to exercise the traditions of American leadership at home and abroad.”