First of all, the report is from 2004 and addresses issues related to the Millenium Development goals that were set a decade earlier. The focus seems to be on bringing accountability and transparency to public services, in general, not just education, along with eliminating corruption. Secondly, the report repeatedly states, over and over again, that privatization is not a panacea for poor provision of public services. For instance, at p. 113:
That public provision has often failed to public engagement are communicated to
create universally available and effective the public and to private organizations
schooling does not imply that the solution that provide services (Ministries of Edu-
is a radically different approach (complete cation, school districts).
decentralization, total control by parent � Management, or the actions that create
groups, generalized choice) or a narrow effective frontline providers (teachers,
focus on proximate determinants (more administrators) within organizations.
textbooks, more teacher training). Univer- � Client power, or how well citizens, as
sal and quality education can come from clients, can increase the accountability of
very centralized systems (France, Japan) or schools and school systems.
from very decentralized systems with con-
siderable local accountability and flexibility Effective solutions are likely to be mixtures
(United States). Many countries have little of voice, choice, direct participation, and orga-
private schooling, and some a great deal nizational command and control, with func-
(Holland). Classroom practice is what mat- tional responsibilities distributed among
ters. If the underlying causes of failure are central, regional, local, and school administra-
not addressed, all these approaches can fail. tions. The pieces have to fit together as a sys-
Chapters 3 through 6 developed a frame- tem. More scope for parental choice without
work for analyzing service provision, looking greater information about schooling outputs
at four relationships of accountability. In will not necessarily lead to better results.
education, these are: