Routinely people use nazi comparisons in discussions as a means of over the top attack against an adversary. This happens so frequently in internet debates that the "Godwin Law" has been introduced, which states that the person using a nazi comparison automatically loses the debate.
There is an inherent danger in dismissing any type of comparison to nazis or the third reich from the outset: Namely that one is no longer able to be vigilant towards and call out developments or conditions that lead to the third reich.
Is "Bush equals Hitler" over the top? Of course. It is a drastically inaccurate overstatement. The scale is off by a factor of one hundered. But yet: Take the premise of neo-con rule and extrapolate to the future. Let's assume Bush was followed by Palin, and Palin was followed by another Republican, isn't the direction that they were and would have been taking the country into, that of an authoritarian state that possibly brought the world the third world war? I don't think that is such an unrealistic scenario.
There is a difference between "Bush equals Hitler" and "Obama equals Hitler", because the later statement has no motivation from reality at all, while the former is motivated by comparisons with regards to aggressive warfare and disrespect for the constitution. While the actual statement itsself may be over the top, the concerns underlying it are real and well justified.
It is also not unreasonable to compare the Tea Party to the early NSDAP of Germany. They are in fact very similar. They are fed by the same sentiments. They both are a movement that is driven by economic hardships, that feed upon a feeling of victimization and which are authoritarian, anti-communistic and xenophobic, looking for simple solutions and strong leaders. Both are propped up by the conservative establishment with hopes of personal gain, and over both the conservative establishment has lost control over. No one in their right mind would compare them to the late third reich, when Hitler was firmly in power, but to the early days where Hitler was still some loon giving angry speeches in local pubs the comparison is not so far off.