Even Jason Linkins at HuffPo agrees:
Goolsbee says that Wallace is mischaracterizing the term, "Summer of Recovery," and that's unfair. Wallace disagrees, obviously. Goolsbee maintains that the actions taken created or saved jobs -- to get your head around "created or saved," think of a soccer team's game-time goals to simultaneously create goals while also saving them -- and that plenty of outside sources agree with that assessment.
I don't know if this means anything to you, but Austan Goolsbee is a man who correctly says, "Data are..." instead of "Data is..." Not that I'm going to start dropping the word "datum" anytime soon!
On to the Bush tax cuts! The GOP wants to keep them for the rich, and they'll prevent the extension of tax cuts on everyone else unless they get their widdle stampy-feet way! Wallace wants to pretend that the tax cuts will affect 50% of small businesses -- Goolsbee is there very quickly to respond: 97% of small businesses will not be affected by the President's tax plan. "The majority of the income" Wallace cited "had nothing to do with small businesses." He goes on to note that the small biz plan on the table cuts taxes for small businesses eight different ways.
Okay, this is much, much better than Romer's appearances.