Edited on Sun Sep-12-10 11:44 PM by applegrove
also invest that money abroad where the growing markets are. It is estimated that growth in the 'mature' market of the USA will be under 5% for the years to come (old Europe too) while in Asia (china & India), Brazil, etc the growth rate could be over 10%. So that is where the rich in the USA will invest their money.
So in terms of creating jobs giving tax cuts to the wealthy is not nearly as good as giving tax cuts to the middle class. That is why the tax cuts on the rich should be allowed to expire. Perhaps you could make the case that rich people investing overseas is good for America for some reason or another but it will not make for new jobs for americans. In fact it will make for more jobs for people overseas so once again the GOP has reduced the rich's reliance on the middle class in the USA....and in doing so isolated the middle class from any trickle down benefits (if there were to be any). In fact you could say that if you give tax cuts to the rich the money will tidal wave out of the country.