Fired Up About One Nation
by James Parks, Sep 13, 2010
Working families are getting fired up about the One Nation Working Together march Oct. 2 in Washington, D.C.
One Nation is our chance to tell the country that working people and civil and human rights activists are turning the discussion away from fear-mongering and deficit doomsaying to renewing the American Dream for everyone.Coming just one month before the fall election, the march could have a huge impact, says Transport Workers (TWU) President James Little:
This November’s congressional and state races will decide our country’s direction for years to come and have vital importance for…working Americans. This mobilization will demonstrate the power of our united One Nation coalition, created by forces of goodwill that stand for hope and change.
It’s not too late to plan to come to Washington or to plan an event in your city. Click here to learn more.
Nearly 200 progressive groups, including the AFL-CIO, NAACP, National Council of La Raza and many unions, have come together in One Nation, a multiracial, labor, civil and human rights movement whose mission is to reorder our nation’s priorities to invest in our nation’s most valuable resource—our people. After the Oct. 2 rally, tens of thousands of activists will return to their neighborhoods, congregations, schools and, especially, voting booths, fired up with new energy to take back the country.On the same day, the union movement will walk door to door in targeted states around the country, mobilizing union members for the fall elections. Here’s Communications Workers of America (CWA) President Larry Cohen:
We’re sending a message loud and clear. We’ve had enough of go slow and enough of do nothing. We’ve had enough of unemployment, underemployment and fighting for our jobs back home. It’s time for action in Washington.