Edited on Wed Sep-15-10 03:37 AM by toddwv
It is an excellent summary of the true class warfare that the right has been successfully waging for over 1/2 a century now. If you aren't fired up after reading this, well, there's not much anyone can do to help you. Might be a bit longish for some but it's a good read.
http://smirkingchimp.com/thread/david-michael-green/29721/mission-accomplished-the-reagan-occupation-and-the-destruction-of-the-american-middle-class>Mission Accomplished: The Reagan Occupation and the Destruction of the American Middle Class
Eighty years ago, something occurred in America that was never supposed to happen. An aristocrat came to the presidency and engineered a policy revolution that created a broad and prosperous middle class where it had not existed as such before.
To do this, Franklin Roosevelt and his party had to rewrite the existing rules of wealth redistribution in the United States such that the traditionally fantastically wealthy overclass (which had grown even fatter as the industrialism of the prior century concentrated wealth yet further) would become merely tremendously wealthy from that point forward, in order to leave enough for others to live a decent life.
Needless to say, this rankled the country club set, but, remarkably, they more or less made peace with this development during the early decades of the post-war era, and largely cooperated with the new economic order. So did their political representatives. The Eisenhower administration was the first chance after twenty years of the New Deal to dismantle the newly created American welfare state, and Ike not only refused to take that opportunity, but famously labeled those in his party who wanted to as "stupid".