Burning Symbols
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Mon Sep-13-10 07:40 PM
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Poll question: Burning Symbols |
Edited on Mon Sep-13-10 07:42 PM by Kurt_and_Hunter
It is acceptable to burn a __________ if the idea strikes you as a worthwhile expression of your views or otherwise amusing, no fire laws are broken and you own it.
BONUS QUESTION: How about a copy of the Constitution?
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Mon Sep-13-10 07:48 PM
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1. Other. Acceptable? I have a problem with all of them. Allowable? Absolutely. |
Edited on Mon Sep-13-10 07:49 PM by blondeatlast
As an ex-librarian, the whole concept of book-burning gives me the heebie-jeebies.
woo me with science
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Mon Sep-13-10 07:51 PM
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For white people?
For black people?
For Mexicans?
For meat eaters?
If the person is really annoying?
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Mon Sep-13-10 07:54 PM
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Mon Sep-13-10 07:57 PM
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4. It's been acceptable in some circles to burn crosses in parts of the South for years |
...and I disapprove of that more than burning the other things you mentioned for a wide variety of reasons.
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Mon Sep-13-10 08:12 PM
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However, just because it is acceptable doesn't mean everybody else has to shutup about it.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 02:34 PM
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