Dear Mr. D'Souza:
I read your column and I would like to ask you, before I call the column dishonest on the Esquire blog, what your reasoning was. For example, the idea that Obama wants the rich to pay for "all" his spending. This seems flatly wrong since nowhere have I seen Obama call for the elimination of all existing taxes save those on the rich. There are a number of other points I'd like to discuss. My number is...
D'Souza wrote back a few hours later:
Well, the taxes that everyone else is paying are supporting lots of programs that were in place prior to Obama's new spending. So new spending has too be paid for by new taxes, or by eliminating existing tax breaks. And Obama wants that burden to be borne exclusively by the rich.
I wrote back right away:
But that's not what you said. You listed the bailout, the stimulus, health care, and another trillion on unspecified "environmental schemes" (I assume you're referring to bills that may be passed by a future Congress) and said that Obama "wants the whole tax bill to be paid by the rich." So far as I know, nobody has ever suggested that the bailout and stimulus and health care and cap-and-trade would all be paid for by the rich. On the contrary, conservatives like yourself have been quite loud in warning that it would be paid for by "future generations." This would seem to make your statement flatly untrue — in fact, a bald-faced lie. Or perhaps you have another explanation?
This time, I didn't hear back from him. Which is too bad, because the rest of the piece went on to accuse Obama of "outright hostility" to business. D'Souza promised to follow up with a story about "the roots of Obama's rage." This is the theme of the next in a string of frustrating books from D'Souza, and this one made its debut in an earlier Forbes piece called "How Obama Thinks." In it, D'Souza argued that Obama hates capitalism because his father was a Kenyan socialist. The evidence? Obama called his autobiography Dreams from My Father:
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Fuck you Dinesh D'Souza