... regarding Newt Gingrich's disgusting comments alleging Obama's "Kenyan anti-colonial" machinations:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/#39104984Howard Fineman: "It's to keep Obama down and to try to turn the virtues of biography around on Obama. Let's not forget that Obama sold himself originally and was embraced originally for his biography. I think the Republicans understand that his biography is the strongest thing about Barack Obama, that it has an "only-in-America," uplifting quality to it. They can't stand the idea that Barack Obama has successfully appropriated an aspect of the American ideal, and they want to deny it to him, even though it's two years after the election, in preparation for the next election."
Chris Matthews: "... The American exceptionalism which he exemplifies, which he brings to life, the idea this is the only country in the world you can come to with a name like Barack Hussein Obama in the middle of a terrorist fight, and the American people will still be open-hearted to you and still say, You know, we've looked at who you are, we've looked enough at you, we think you're a good person, we're going to make you our leader. Only here do we do that! That's what inspired me from the beginning about our country."
Fineman: "Well, they're trying to take that away."
Matthews: "And now to turn it inside out .... They're -- also, they're turning it inside out about our country. They're saying this country can't accept assimilation, and that's the opposite of who we are."