The last thread to pop up has just done it for me.
What idiot complains AFTER he can do something about it?
You do realize that Primaries were designed for this exact purpose?!
We have primaries, as a party, to determine, as a party, who best represents our ideology (or whose more electable)
Who will tow the party line in Washington.
It is useless to complain after the primry because you didn't get your pony!!!
even if they are ass-hats. Once the primary is over a D is still a D!!!
NOT voting is as bad as voting for the other guy. SO it's time to grow up PUMAs... your person lost, WAH, move on! MY person lost, WAH, I moved on and pulled the lever for Obama when he was the candidate.
I am N O T at all happy with the fucking blue-dogs, but at least they are blue and CAN BE BULLIED INTO VOTING CORRECTLY!!!
We as a party still have power of over them, if a gop-er gets in we have ZERO say, because the gop IS disciplined enough to get their way despite what individual members want personally, the party ALWAYS gets their way in votes.
ONLY Democrats have this insane desire to destroy itself because of a handful of issues (yes important I know) and would rather self destruct over purity, than compromise!
YES things are going slowly in Washington, TOO Fucking slowly! I am N O T happy with obama, I am N O T happy with the dems, but I'll be damned if I'm going to NOT vote D! (It helps that my reps in CA are awesome) Don't like the government?
DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! but not voting only hurt you! (and everyone else)