CLOSED-DOOR meetings in Washington, attended by a carefully chosen collection of America's corporate and political elite. The crusade of a megalomaniac billionaire, and the un-scrutinized activities of his supposedly philanthropic foundation. Political agendas and records obscured by a manipulated media. The fates and futures of hundreds of millions of people on the line. Sounds like the ingredients of a cheesy thriller, right? Think again. This is exactly what's happening in Washington today with the campaign to wreck the Social Security system for current and future retirees.
THE COMMISSION has been meeting all year, with a carefully timed deadline for issuing its recommendations after congressional elections in November. The commission's report will then be taken up by a lame duck Congress. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have promised a vote on the recommendations before the end of year--under special rules that bar amendments.
Rumor has it that the commission will take up other austerity measures--a new squeeze on the Medicare and Medicaid government health programs, and perhaps a regressive value-added tax that would increase the price of consumer goods. But Social Security has taken center stage in what limited discussion there has been about the panel...