Watch:"We're a little slow on the uptake sometimes. ... We always seem to get it wrong at first, whether that was with slavery, killing Indians, women not voting. We're not very good at the beginning of these things. We're really great though as we move along. We live in a nation where, sadly, people listen to things, they get afraid very easily, we have forty million adult Americans who are functional illiterates, which means they can't read and write above the 4th grade level. So, that's the America we live in and sometimes we have to put up with that, but everybody, regardless of their level of ignorance, I believe, at their core is good and has a good heart ...
"I went to mass yesterday, Wolf. Do you think I'm a pedophile sympathizer? Should I be judged because some priests committed a crime against children? Do you think less of me because of that or because Timothy McVeigh was a Catholic and blew up the Oklahoma City building? Should a Catholic church not be allowed anywhere near the Oklahoma City building because he was Catholic? ...
"Whenever the angry mob turns on a small group, it's best to know that when they're done with that group they're off to the next small group. So, everybody should think about that because we all belong to our own ethnic groups that either came to this country by choice, or whose ancestors were brought here by force as slaves, or who were here originally as Native Americans. That's the melting pot of who we are. And we should always stand up against the angry mob when they're trying to take away a basic inherent right of anybody in this country."