So, as I said, there's no margin in trying to be "strategic" on (tax cuts) since the Democrats don't have a good play except to do the right thing.
Certainly,whatever they decide to do, Democrats should not try to get too fine with this. They aren't just bad at 11 dimensional chess, they can't even play checkers. They should just make the right arguments to their constituents and leave it to Ben Nelson to filibuster everything.
Greg Sargent writes today that the Republicans are saying that they think they win if any discussion of taxes come up at all. Even the sound of the word is toxic
I happen to know that Democratic strategists agree with them.
I wrote about it last week...
candidates are getting this advice from DC strategists, and many of them are rushing to take this issue off the table. They truly believe they will lose if they don't back tax cuts for millionaires even as they are being hammered on deficits. I think we can see where this all leads, can't you?
As I said before, if progressive taxation is now a dead issue like gun control and the death penalty then there's nothing more to argue about. It's over.