Dear True Christians™
While I may not be one of those candle-lighting, toe-kissing Mary-Worshippers, I do have a confession: I made a mistake. You're not the only one shocked. But this only serves to underscore that while I acknowledge the Lord’s constant bragging that I was created in His image, I am pleased to point out one important exception: I can admit error. And, somewhat less significant, my errors don’t usually result in gruesome deaths, particularly of my own children.
This week, on my TV program “The No Sin Zone,” I made the foolish decision to allow other people to speak. Quite frankly, I had only agreed to participate in a “talk show” because I assumed I would be the one talking. Not so, as my intrusive guests persisted in taking focus away from me. Jesus and I both hate that, which lead to a rather uncomfortable situation. Jesus was so loquacious and irritatingly off-topic, I had to hang up on Him. Hung up on a cross once; hung up on the phone thrice! Bless His heart, He simply cannot take a hint.
You can see a video of the show