January 31, 2007
http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2007/01/30/couricandco/entry2414783.shtmlIt’s freezing in New York this week – really. With wind chill, the temperature is practically into single digits. The gusts down 57th Street outside the CBS Broadcast Center can freeze you to the bone.
Which, of course, makes this the perfect time to ponder global warming.
When it’s this cold, in the dead of winter, it’s hard for a lot of us to appreciate the dire warnings of scientists about climate change. Are they serious? Turns out: yes. They are.
A major report is coming out this week from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) meeting in Paris. The draft that’s been reported on the wires is unbelievably grim, and frightening: droughts have gotten longer, seas have warmed and expanded and carbon dioxide levels have risen sharply. And the forecast for the rest of this century? You better sit down. It’s worse. Don’t leave home without an umbrella, or lots of sunscreen: it’s anticipated that it’s going to get hotter, and lot rainier, with sea ice melting and ocean levels rising. There’s more and more evidence that much of this is not just a freak of nature. It’s man-made.