If our Party had done to us what the establishment Republicans did to them, we would have our own Tea Party, also. They meant to take their Party back from the "big spenders", the liars, the war mongers, the incompetents, that broke every bond they had made with their supporters. They may have been a rag-tag, motley crew of characters, but they got the job done.
Their Party, the Republicans, screwed our country royally. Nobody expected them to become Democrats. It is not in their DNA. If Mitch McConnell and the leadership of the GOP believe they can give these folks marching orders, I think they may have under-estimated or misread what is happening in their Party? Their anger and resentment was real and it was directed at the Republican Party.
Whatever anger there is in the Democratic Party is different. The base of the Democratic Party is angry because the mess that the Repubs created has not been cleaned up yet and there has not been a new vision to take our Party forward from the disaster of George W Bush and the Republicans. The Democrats are not angry at their Party in the same way or for the same reasons as the Tea Party bunch. The changes in the other Party are theirs alone to deal with.
The Democrats have no intentions of getting rid of their incumbents or moderates, that voted with George W Bush more often than they should have done. We did not like it but we are not angry enough to put on funny hats with "don't tread on me" flags and throw the rascals out. At least, not yet. Our challenge is to organize and inspire enough Democrats to get to the polls in November to keep the House and the Senate in Democratic hands. It is helpful to understand the difference in the anger of the two Parties. We, unlike the Tea Partiers, are not yet ready to declare mutiny.