Muscatine firefighters union Local 608 is backing Mark Lofgren's opponent in the race for the Iowa House, I have a question for them. Before calling 911, should Lofgren signs be removed from the yard in order to be assured of life- or property-saving service?
Since the firefighters are wholly funded by our tax dollars, can we assume that these are our tax dollars at work?
<< incredible stupidity displayed here no? >>
<< Below comes a sensible reply>> feel that it is sad that Republicans have chosen to attack firefighters on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, a day when they should be honored not disparaged. These are men and women who risk their lives every day for the people of Muscatine.
The firefighter union (letter to the editor, Sept. 11) has nothing to do with your taxpayer's dollars; it is funded by the members. They choose to support Nathan Reichert because he has always been a champion for their causes in Des Moines. To infer that they would put politics before a job that they have dedicated their lives to, a job that most of us would not sign up to do, is disgusting. I am appalled that Mr. Siering would question the integrity of our Muscatine firefighters.
<< Common sense not good enough - here is the afore mentioned candidate's take on this issue #3 comment >> said on: September 15, 2010, 9:13 am
I believe union dues are deducted from their paycheck, which is paid them by the city, which collects the money via property taxes.
So, the fact that taxpayer dollars are involved is accurate.
I have no problem with firefighters putting up political signs in their yard. Having signs that advertise a certain group of city employees in favor of any political candidate is simply wrong.
<< response I posted >>
once a person is paid it is their money to do with what they want? Also in America there is freedom of association? And the employer is offering a service in deducting the dues just like they do with United Way pledges? Last please point out where on their signs the city of Muscatine is listed. It says IAFF.