with lies, fear, hate, etc.
This is one of the ads that runs here on DU. When you do the DU Google search for Prop 19 you will find this website advertised. It is hysterically named "Marijuana harms families," and if that perjorative phrase does not catch the attention the first few lines of their terra spiel continues:
"Marijuana kingpins are moving beyond "medicinal marijuana" and now want to usher in a FULL-BLOWN marijuana culture to forever change California (Prop. 19). Hollywood actors, marijuana money bosses, adult film “entrepreneurs” and even the NAACP are calling for pot legalization. They want the next generation to think it's "normal" to "get high"!
Studies show marijuana is a gateway drug to cocaine and meth...."
It would be hysterically funny by all reefer madness standards if these folks weren't serious, but alas they are. Notice how they have lumped kingpins, Hollywood actors, marijuana money bosses, adult film entrepeneurs and the NAACP. Sounds like some serious anti-Dem innuendo there.
More hilarity for the low-information voter on that site:
"...If pot is legalized, your health and auto insurance will likely cost more because increased addictions, accidents, and drug rehab will burden all Californians. “Drugged driving” will become commonplace. It will be a new "right" to get high on marijuana at work, even in transportation jobs..."
I guess they didn't hear that pot is not addictive, but they sure like to bootstrap that erroneous concept in the same sentence with driving. I guess they either didn't realize that many many folks are driving every day while stoned or that illegal cell phone use (illegal at least here in Cal) causes far more dangers on the road than any pot smoker that might be driving. Nor did they read the recent test results on pot and driving:
Marijuana Smoking Associated With Minimal Changes In Driving Performance, Study Finds
"Hartford, CT—(ENEWSPF)—May 28, 2010 Subjects exhibit virtually identical psychomotor skills on a battery of driving simulator tests prior to and shortly after smoking marijuana, according to clinical trial data published in the March issue of the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.
Investigators from Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine assessed the simulated driving performance of 85 subjects in a double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Volunteers responded to various simulated events associated with automobile crash risk — such as avoiding a driver who was entering an intersection illegally, deciding to stop or go through a changing traffic light, responding to the presence of emergency vehicles, avoiding colliding with a dog who entered into traffic, and maintaining safe driving during a secondary (in-the-car) auditory distraction. Subjects performed the tests sober and then again 30 minutes after smoking a single marijuana cigarette containing either 2.9 percent THC or zero THC (placebo).
Investigators reported that volunteers performed virtually the same after smoking cannabis as they did sober and/or after consuming a placebo. "No differences were found during the baseline driving segment (and the) collision avoidance scenarios," authors reported.
Investigators did note, "Participants receiving active marijuana decreased their speed more so than those receiving placebo cigarette during (the) distracted section of the drive." Authors hypothesized that subjects' reduction in speed on this task suggested that they may have been compensating for perceived impairment. "
o other changes in driving performance were found," researchers concluded..."
My goodness, if the viewer of these lies, fear-mongering and propaganda could read the contradictory evidence to all their scare tactics this world would be a much better place.
Just Say Now!