Now for the last couple of months, at least, I have heard over and over how the republicans are going to "sweep" the elections in November, how the right is "motivated" to get out and vote, and how democrats are just going to stay home.
Now I will agree the tea baggers are all worked up and "motivated", we can all see that from the number of tea bagger candidates that have one "republican" primaries. I will also admit that the democrats need to get some "motivation" going for those on the left so we can get everyone out to vote. Now the problem I see is that there are a "LOT" of republicans that are "NOT" really motivated by the tea party candidates. Hell even Karl Rove is not happy and voiced that when the tea party candidate won Delaware last night, and there have been other neocon republicans who are not happy also. So what about all those mainstream republicans that think the tea party gang is way out there, and not happy with them winning nominations in the republican primaries? Will they go ahead and vote for the "crazy" people who have won, or will they get depressed and just stay home and not vote?
I know republicans in 2008 who couldn't stand McCain and didn't vote, they stayed home. I know others who were going to "hold their nose" and vote for McCain even though they didn't like him, "UNTIL" he picked Palin! After hearing her, seeing her play the crowds, work them up, and let them threaten Obama while she said nothing, many changed their mind and did NOT vote! I think this could be a factor that is not being looked at. Some of these tea party candidates, most of the actually, are so far out there they scare even the likes of Karl Rove, and that should mean something!
I think if we can get out the vote, democrats will surprise the country, and if a whole lot of republicans decide that they just can not bring themselves to vote for someone who is really crazy, and who is trying to take away SS, medicare, etc. it could be a bigger upset than I think it could be.
The tea party is all worked up, but that won't win elections for the republicans, and as I read in another thread things may get even worse between the tea party groups and the republican party before this is all over. Will the republicans throw their full support behind Christine O'Donnell? Will the tea party voters even vote for a "main stream" republican candidate, or will they try and do write in votes for their own candidate? Will an all our feud in the republican party destroy any chance of winning back either house, and maybe cause them to see actual gains for the democrats?
I think it is going to be very interesting between now and election day!