Hi all,
So I know it's strange for a lurker like me to come out and post topic about unity here... but bear with me here.
The repercussions of the Republican and Tea Party movements infighting, mouth foaming, hate spewing drivel is coming to fruition. I think we here can all learn a great lesson about ourselves as a party as well as individuals from this moment.
Right after President Obama was elected this community took a brief step backwards from the galvanizing forces that brought so many of the different spectrum of the liberal agenda together and begun again in earnest to discuss progressive, liberal, libertarian, etc. policies, and in doing so we begun to bicker with each other, hell we were down right fighting with each other, slinging mud and facts as fast as our post button would allow. HOWEVER not once was there a moment like what we are seeing now in the Repub. party.
Total and complete anarchy, teabaggers backstabbing freepers, christian right going after compassionate conservatives...the whole nine yards really.
I guess the point I'm making is, we would do well to remember that even during our most divided moments here on this board we all still considered ourselves members of a larger movement, that our idea of a Big Tent is actually conducive to a powerful discussion.
So at this moment of conservative disarray all I am asking is for us here to step back, remember we are all here to try and find the best path forward, welcome those who are willing to talk to talk, and let the rabble tear each other down.. They couldn't split us and now they've split themselves!
Keep the momentum going.