Among Democratic pols and on the left, there seems to be two dominant explanations for the Tea Party:
1. It represents real grassroots angst and as such, it could be steered to the benefit of Democrats
2. It is a sock puppet to get the rubes excited about Republican candidates without calling them Republicans too loudly. This seems a lot more likely since those pull the strings and giving the money are the usual suspects who have backed decades of right wing Republican candidates.
There is a problem with that second explanation though--why run primary challengers against perfectly rabid Republicans who probably fell into line with every despicable thing Bush did?
I would submit it is a third explanation, that is a nastier variant of the second:
3. The big money people that have backed conservative candidates for decades were disgusted that the Bushies and Republicans in Congress didn't cross the Rubicon into open fascism, and drop even the pretense of democracy. The Bush people went right up to the edge, and Karl Rove even floated a trial balloon about canceling the 2004 election because of ''terror threats,'' but the Republicans in Congress would not go that far. Some still had a brain and conscience, however withered with disuse they both may have been.
The Tea Party candidates, especially those cast in the Sarah Palin jello mold, do not have the flaw of reflection and self-doubt. When their wealthy patrons tell them to pull the trigger there will be no hesitation, and our democracy will be done.
And even though the represent a demonstrable minority of the population, it's a minority whipped into a frenzy with the media filling their sails from behind.
By contrasts, Democrats in office seem to almost intentional beat the enthusiasm out of their base, so that we wait breathlessly for a crumb like Elizabeth Warren being appointed to run a new consumer investment protection agency.
The tragedy is Democrats could have headed this off by putting a stake in the heart of the Republican Party once and for all, not with any Machiavellian rigging of the system but simply by saying honestly how destructive their ideas are and acting accordingly. Instead, they gave their credibility CPR with talk of bipartisanship and even using many of their pet ideas in the stimulus and health care reform.
I don't know if it's too late for elected Democrats to get their shit together, but their performance during the Bush era and especially once they retook Congress in 2006, earns them a share of the blame if the GOP regains power.