Speaking to Sean Hannity about Mike Castle's charge that Hannity and Limbaugh wildly distorted and outright lied about his voting record, Christine O'Donnell (R-Bankrupt) talks about principles--which she knows only in theory, since she's barely touched the interest on most of her personal loans...:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/15/mike-castle-hannity-limbaugh-christine-odonnell-lies_n_718811.htmlO'DONNELL: You guys brought his voting record to the public, so I thank you! I kind of agree with him. I wouldn't call it blame, I would call it credit. You were the leader of the band in saying, "We have got to stand on our principles. We cannot sell out anymore. Selling out on our principles is what has brought us to the brink of bankruptcy." ... I do thank you for that.