Some really interesting stuff going on here. Thought it would be worth passing on...
The Magic That Is TED
Anya Kamenetz of Fast Company writes about the TED phenomenon: “By combining the principles of ‘radical openness’ and of ‘leveraging the power of ideas to change the world,’ TED is in the process of creating something brand new. I would go so far as to argue that it’s creating a new Harvard — the first new top-prestige education brand in more than 100 years.” One college professor and TED-lecturer, Barry Schwartz, thinks TED is better than his university environment. “Well, people who come to TED are open to being changed by their interactions and conversations,” says Schwartz. “They’re in an environment where they’re going to learn something new every five minutes. You could create something like that on a college campus, but generally that doesn’t happen.” Brain Trust
The following members of the TED Community serve as a valued source of advice on issues of importance to TED's future.
Anna Deavere Smith, Actor, playwright
Ashraf Ghani, Chancellor, Kabul University
Brian Greene, Physicist
Craig Venter, Genomics pioneer
Daniel Dennett, Philosopher
Daniel Gilbert, Psychologist
Danny Hillis, Inventor
David Deutsch, Physicist
Dean Kamen, Inventor
Don Norman, Cognitive scientist
Eva Vertes, Student cancer researcher
Freeman Dyson, Physicist
George Dyson, Science writer
Jay Walker, Business inventor
Jacqueline Novogratz, CEO, Acumen Fund
Jeff Bezos, CEO, Amazon
John Maeda, MIT Media Lab
Joshua Prince-Ramus, Architect
Juan Enriquez, Futurist
Larry Page, Co-founder, Google
Linda Stone, Software visionary
Nathan Myhrvold, Polymath
Ray Kurzweil, Futurist
Richard Dawkins, Biologist
Sergey Brin, Co-founder, Google
Seth Godin, Marketing guru
Sir Ken Robinson, Creativity expert
Stefan Sagmeister, Designer
Steve Jurvetson, Venture capitalist
Steven Pinker, Evolutionary psychologist
Stewart Brand, Visionary
Sunny Bates, Connector extraordinaire
Tierney Thys, Marine biologist
Wade Davis, Anthropologist
William McDonough, Architect