When Independents see the wackiness of what's going on with the Republicans, even though Independents who are more inclined to vote Republican will rethink that vote. Or, they just may stay home. Studies seem to show that many Independents are less inclined to follow the news or politics. Indeed most of low-information voters! They are pragmatists in that they'd rather hear about what candidates are going to do. They lose patience with rhetoric. When they understand that Republicans have absolutely no ideas other than tax cuts for the wealthy and the hate rhetoric and nonsense coming from the tea baggers, they'll either vote for the Democrats--the lesser of two evils--or stay home.
The problem for the Democrats is that their base isn't energized yet. All those voters who voted for the first time for Obama have become demoralized. They are not yet riled up. The tea baggers and wingnuts are energized. They cannot wait to vote. It's all about turnout. There are more of Democrats than there are Republicans, but Republicans tend to galvanize their voters to come out. Democratic voters are lazy, by and large.
With the economy the way it is, Democrats have to pray that things start turning around for the economy and/or find a way to convince voters that while things are bad, putting the Republicans back into power will lead to much worse results. If Democrats can explain to the American people that it took 8 years to create the mess and thus, they cannot fix everything in less than two years, then perhaps it won't be so bad.
The Democrats also win when we start talking about taxes. They now have the upper hand on this issue. It is one that won over Independents as well. No tax cuts for the wealthy who already enjoy many tax breaks and other benefits. The tax cuts should be *targeted* at working and middle-income Americans, or 98% of the public. We've already tried Republican solutions based on "trickle-down" economics. Those solutions have not worked.
To capture the hearts and minds of Independents who seem to care about reducing the deficit even though most polls have shown that Americans in general want more spending for jobs, Democrats have not bragged about the 8% deficit reduction. We obviously cannot count on the M$M to report the good news because good news helps Obama and the Dems:
http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1221782220100413Bottom line: Somehow, some way, the Democrats need to get on message. I see that Obama is red hot right now and when he's red hot on this issue, his numbers go up. His approval rating is now at 49% and that's because he's getting the message out. But he cannot do it alone. Where the heck are the Democrats and why aren't they standing behind him and helping him get that message out? Notice how the Republicans are helping each other out as far as messaging and framing the issues. The Democrats do such a piss poor job of that. They always have!
Democrats win on the issue. That's why all the Republicans have is hate, hate and more hate! They cannot win on the issues. They never have. Their ideology is a failed one and they continue to tout the same failed ideas. But they win because they masterfully exploit the messaging and have friends in the Corporate Media to help them push the meme and frame the issue.
But Democrats win on the issues! We must find a way to get out there and work hard to make sure that people understand how high the stakes are in this election.
The pundits are liars. The polls are lies! The only poll that matters is the one on Election Day!!