LOWELL, Mass. -- A National Guard office in Lowell became the target of vandalism when someone threw a brick though the storefront window.
NewsCenter 5's Jim Boyd reported that National Guard personnel arrived at the recruitment center on Tuesday discovered the broken window. A spokesman for the Guard said a laptop was stolen.
"It does appear that there is a laptop that is missing, and that laptop
may contain some personal information of potential recruits. We are obviously very concerned for those people's privacy. As soon as we know who those people are, will we inform them immediately," said National Guard Maj. Winfield Danielson.
The National Guard does not think the break-in is related to an anti-war rally that was held last weekend in Lowell.

"Law enforcement is still obviously investigating what occurred. We have two priorities right now. One is identifying any individuals who may have personal information on that laptop and notifying them. And No. 2, we are reviewing our security procedures, not just here, but at all career information centers, to assure that kind of theft does not happen again," Danielson said.
Danielson said
not many people have sensitive information on the stolen laptop.
http://www.thebostonchannel.com/newsarchive/10881895/detail.htmlOf course "not many people" have sensitive information on the stolen laptop. Because "not many people" are joining The National Guard anymore, thanks to Commander CuckooBananas.