How can there be Palin and Palin lite but only be one Elizabeth Warren?
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Sat Sep-18-10 03:42 AM
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How can there be Palin and Palin lite but only be one Elizabeth Warren? |
Isn't it amazing that there is only one sane voice like Ms. Warren? Yet we have a collection of complete whackjobs like the Palin twins and Michelle Bachman. It boggles the mind.
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Sat Sep-18-10 03:51 AM
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1. Palin lite? What's lite about her? As far as I can tell Palin, Bachman, and O'Donnel are having... |
a batshit-craziness competition.
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Sat Sep-18-10 04:14 AM
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Edited on Sat Sep-18-10 04:22 AM by dkf
So where are the Elizabeth Warrens?
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Sat Sep-18-10 05:00 AM
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3. See Brooksley Born and Sheila Bair. Both were ignored and |
marginalized by the powers that cannot be named. Some of us think the same thing is happening to Elizabeth Warren.
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