Edited on Sat Sep-18-10 06:07 AM by howard112211
as in so called "islamic" countries.
It has nothing to do with one of the three abrahamic religions being more violence prone than the others. In fact, in terms of theology one could argue that christianity, judaism and islam are remarkably similar, almost indistinguishable. Strict followers of all three religions could open up a restaurant together, that would satisfy all of their dietary restrictions simultaneously.
In the US, or the west in general, fanatics know better than to openly confront the secular state. They know that they are outgunned 1000 to 1 and that it would mean the end of their organization within less than 24 hours. That does not mean, however, that there are not plenty of crazies out there that would in fact stone adulterers to death, and keep women locked up in the house, were they given the same amount of power that they have in other regions of the world. Here they seek other, legal and semi-legal means of attacking and attempting to dismantle the secular state. That does not mean that they are any less dangerous. Could a palin presidency lead the country down a path that would lead to iran like conditions? I would say, certainly yes.