I am going to vote, as I always have, but I am just going to sit back and relax and watch the insane spew their hate and lies across the nation. I am not sure which politician started the trend towards insanity, but it was started none the less. It was not challenged so another step was taken and another until we find ourselves in the mess that we are in.
We have politicians talking about how god is going to destroy this country if it is not "taken back". I ask taken back where?? Taken to the time of slavery, to the time of genocide of the native people, to the time of creation??
We have politicians talking about masturbation. I thought what I did with my genitals was between myself and my hands and not part of the political process. I thought sex and love was a private and personal matter and had no place in politics.
I have churches and politicians telling me I am going to hell because I am morally corrupt because I love someone, I am a Nazi because I do not want churches deciding what is right for me, I am a socialist because I believe in fairness and human dignity. I am condemned because I believe in a god and religion that does not promote hatred and lies. People that do not believe in a hands-on-god, or just are not sure of this god, have no morals and can not have any compassion, empathy, or just do not care about anyone except themselves. I just sit back and listen and watch these politicians repeating what they hear in their churches, condemning anyone that does not believe as they do. Their god will decide what is right, but it is so hard for me to decide which of these gods is the right one, how do I decide which god to vote for??
Perhaps one is insane if they do not profess a belief, because if one does they can get a "get out of hell free card". With this one can steal, commit murder, commit adultery, lie, cheat, and any sin one can imagine and all you have to do is say, "I believe" and then you could be just like the rest of the small minded christians out there that would not know god if he asked them for a drink of water because he was thirsty.