Edited on Sat Sep-18-10 12:38 PM by FredStembottom
The Repubs strength has been to embrace all Republicans (or Righties) at all times.
We, here at DU, have noticed that that strategy, when applied 100% leads to the Party endorsing ever crazier, increasingly ignorant, angry mobs.
But I thought they would continue to embrace at all costs.
You want to live in America for free? Use up stuff but never pay? Come to the Republican Party.
You want Christianity... I'm sorry.... your denomination....... oh, wait..... your denomination with an asterisk because that one church across town has, you know, brown people in it...... to be the Official Religion of the United States of America...... See you at Republican Party Headquarters.
You want tiny hand-guns placed in-uetero for fetuses to defend themselves against Muslim Communist masturbators? Come to the Republican convention!
But, apparently, some kind of limit has been exceeded. Finally!
I am going to relax this weekend and simply enjoy the Christine O'Donnell take-down.
(ooh! I need beer! Pizza and beer. Ok. Now I'm ready!)