On a side note, listening now to Values
Voter Summit, I am being asked to go to Pray and Act.com.
Hosts and speakers at Values Voter Summit include Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Christine O'Donnell, Rick Santorum, Rep. Mike Pence, Michele Bachmann, the Duggar Family, Bill Bennet, AFA's Bryan Fisher, Sen. Jim Inhofe and Phyllis Schlafly and include such topics as AMERICAN APOCALYPSE: WHEN CHRISTIANS DO NOTHING, SECULARISTS DO EVERYTHING - THE CASE FOR CHRISTIAN ACTIVISM and:
Dr. Kenyn Cureton, Vice President for Church Ministries, Family Research Council
Every church needs a dedicated team to assist the pastor in equipping members to have a positive impact as Salt and Light in their community, state, and our nation. This breakout will offer practical help on how to:
Form a Culture Impact Team
Decide on a Budget
Set up a Culture Impact Center
Promote Awareness and Activism
Perform a Non-Partisan Registration Drive
Each participant will receive a free Voter Toolkit, which is a $20 value.
At Taking Back America topics and panel discussions include, but are not limited to:
* Aaron Klein "The Manchurian President"
* David Kupelian "How Evil Works"
* Floyd Brown "The Case for Impeaching Barak Obama"
* Gary DeMar "America’s Christian Heritage"
* RC Sproul Jr."Biblical Economics"
* Alan Keyes "Is the Constitution a Living Document?"
* Joseph Farah vs. Christopher Barron "Is GOProud Conservative?"
* Joseph Farah, Judson Phillips, RC Sproul Jr., Gary DeMar "Should Faith and Reliance Upon God be a Major Integral Theme of the Tea Party Movement?"
* Erik Rush, Albert Thompson, Alan Keyes "Is the Tea Party a Racist Organization?"
Speakers and sponsors include: Michele Bachmann (she has a busy schedule!), Joseph Farah from World Nut Daily, Tom Tancredo, Jerome Corsi, Alan Keyes and Victoria Jackson.
Kyle over at Right Wing Watch is following the Values Voter Summit so we don't have to:
Bryan Fischer At the Values Voter Summit
Submitted by Kyle on September 18, 2010 - 10:34am
Speaking today at the Values Voter Summit, Bryan Fischer used his stage time to lay out various reasons why Christians need to be involved in politics - like the fact that Christians are needed in order to clean up the messiness, otherwise our government will be run by atheists and pagans...
Anyway, I just decided to go ahead and post Fischer's entire speech because, frankly, there is just way too much good stuff in here...
More from Right Wing Watch...
Values Voters' Angry Afternoon Tea
The afternoon of the first day of the Values Voters Summit in Washington, DC, continued the morning’s themes: denunciations of the Pelosi-Reid-Obama axis of evil and celebrations of all things Tea Party – and the insistence that the religion and values agenda of the Religious Right is inseparable from the Tea Party’s limited government goals.
A Tea Party panel brought together three activists who told stories about their own transformations from being moms and conservatives who minded their own business to becoming activists. Activists Katie Abram and Billie Tucker said their Tea Party work was guided by God waking them up early in the morning with instructions, the same way, one said, God does with Glenn Beck. Tucker describes a disagreement among organizers of their local tea party group. When one argued against adding moral issues to the mission, Tucker responded, saying “God did not wake me up for four months at four in the morning to say, ‘Billie, we’ve got a tax issue.’ He woke me up because he said my country doesn’t love me like it used to love me.”
And SPLC's Hatewatch is doing the same for World Nut Daily's Take America Back conference:
Right Wingers Take on ‘Liar in Chief’
The perceived evils and dangers of Islam comprised a good part of today’s discussions. During a question-and-answer session with the audience, one conference attendee proposed that the United States impose a moratorium on Muslim immigration and education until the Koran’s teachings become compatible with the U.S. Constitution. Many in the audience cheered the idea. Conservative activist and perennial candidate for public office Alan Keyes responded, “We should be eager” for Muslims to come to America. “It saves us the trouble of going over there to evangelize,” he said. “I think we’ve become timid. I think we’ve become afraid.” He, too, got applause.
Corsi drew loud cheers when he proposed that the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Education be dismantled. “All they want to do is teach our kids sex education,” he complained of the latter. He left the stage to a standing ovation.
The political rhetoric extended outside the ballroom where the conference is being held. Decals were affixed to urinals in at least one men’s room that expressed the sentiments of many at the conference.
“Hitler, Stalin & Mao all loved gun control,” read one decal. Said another: “Vote intelligently in November. It may be your last chance to preserve freedom.”