that the church is above civil laws and errant churchmen must be tried by the church, itself, something that has gotten them into massive trouble in many countries at many times since some pope infallibly decided that as doctrine.
Had the church simply turned pedophile priests over to the law, that likely would have been the end of it. Had they actually assigned pedophile priests to cloistered positions away from children, that might have put an end to it. Had they ever disciplined any priest who forced, bullied, or lied any parishoner, male, female or child into sex, that might have softened the reaction.
They didn't. They just shuffled them around for decades, probably centuries, giving them new victims in every new place. They utterly failed to exercise any sort of moral authority at all against their own.
Churches need to break away from the Roman hierarchy. It's proven itself corrupt beyond redemption.
Unfortunately, this wonderful demonstration in the UK will only cause more dyspeptic whining from pope Ratz and a confirmation of his martyr complex.