Morain: Sacramento has hand in tea party win
By Dan Morain
Russo's most stunning success involves O'Donnell, a candidate who had gained minor attention in years past for her strict views about chastity and, yes, masturbation. Bill Maher had her as a conservative foil on his "Politically Incorrect" cable TV show.
"She is just crazy," Maher said of her on election night, on CNN's "Larry King Live."
The GOP establishment sided with Rep. Mike Castle, a moderate Republican who had served nine terms in Congress. He was a lock to fill the Senate seat vacated by Vice President Joe Biden.
Until, that is, Russo stepped in. Operating from his office complex near the Folsom Boulevard Flea Market, Russo cranked up his e-mail machine, soliciting money and support from his list of 400,000 followers.
By election day, Russo and his staff of a half-dozen had sent no fewer than 23 e-mails, raising money, urging people to make calls on behalf of O'Donnell, and, importantly, giving Palin a forum.
"Big News!" a Sept. 9 e-mail blast declared. "Governor Sarah Palin has come to the aid of conservatives and tea party activists – and has announced today on the Sean Hannity radio show that she is endorsing Christine O'Donnell for U.S. Senate."