Libby Live: Judy Four
By: emptywheel Anatomy of Deceit. Don't refresh wildly. And love one another–oh wait. I mean don't expect a transcript.
Folks are wandering into the courtroom. We'll start today where we left yesterday with the fight over what questions Judy should answer. Glad we had it–it got a chance for yet another celebrity, Bob Bennett, to weigh in. No wonder the courtroom is getting so hot.
It's Wells' turn to be in his grey suit today, not Fitz. Though Wells' grey suit doesn't look seersuckery at all, as Fitz' did.
Walton's in: before we get started, we have a problem with juror 15. Employer said that if there's no law on the books that requires them to pay for jury service, then they won't pay. If she has to stay beyond today, other than what we pay for jurors which is $35/day.
Libby Live: Judy Five
By: emptywheel to the Libby Liveblog. Some housekeeping rules: This is not a transcript, nor am I a court reporter. Please exercise restraint in refreshing the post. And buy my book.
F Focus on June 23
M My focus on those issues, watching soldiers being frustrated. How had this gotten so screwed up. The big picture. Mr Libby being in Washignton seemed much more focused on growing controversy over SOTU. And who said what to whom, inside baseball. And so from my standpoint it wasn't very productive.
F Your focus and his focus on July 8
M A broader story on how hunt had been so badly carried out and what had happened to underlying intell, Mr Libby seemed to want to focus on yellowcake. My focus was Bioweapons. This he said she said struck me was Washington politics not particularly relevant to issues I cared about.
F I need to approach before last question.
Judy and Jury gone
Libby Live: Matt Cooper One
By: emptywheel is NOT Cooper on the stand. It's him speaking at Georgetown. In any case, here are some groundrules. I timestamp my posts–that will let you know when you should update (please err on the side of saving the servers). Also, treat this as a liveblog, not a transcript; I'm no court reporter! And finally, please buy my book.
Matt Cooper up now.
MC Matthew Cooper.
MC Editor for Conde Nast portfolio, hasn't started publication yet. Used to work for Time, summer 1999, June 2006.
MC Began year as DPTY Wash Bureau Chief, then moved to WH correspondant. Moved to WH in June. At the time, it went to press on Saturday nights. Generally we took Sundays off, Mondays as well.
Lunchtime Treats A La Libby
By: Christy Hardin Smith***Sorry about the server hiccup everyone. While we were down, Marcy completed liveblogging at DKos here. We'll update our liveblog thread as soon as Marcy can eat her lunch and give her tired fingers a break. Thanks everyone for your patience — and please remember to be judicious with comments and refreshing. Thanks much! — CHS UPDATE from Pach: All the content posted during our site hiccup at Dkos has now been posted here at FDL again. Check below this post here and here for all the courtroom updates. Marcy's at lunch and when she gets back, we'll be back in full action here at Firedoglake. Thanks for your patience! ***
It's lunchtime, and I thought we could all use a little diversion. So I've gathered a few link to some funnies — some Libby related, some not, but all in the spirit of fun. (Well, most of them are fun, anyway.)
– The Daily Show did a Libby trial recap that is hilarious. Too funny.
– Be still my heart: The General has the hots for FDL's Libby coverage. And a fascinating sneak peek at Tim Russert. And fubar at Needlenose does a little trendspotting.
Links to the Daily Show, The General & others are at