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Iran SHELL GAME: Administration Lies About Troop Deaths Buried Under Accusations Against Iran

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McCamy Taylor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-31-07 01:24 PM
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Iran SHELL GAME: Administration Lies About Troop Deaths Buried Under Accusations Against Iran
Edited on Wed Jan-31-07 01:25 PM by McCamy Taylor
Just a reminder folks. A few days ago, the big story was that Our Government Lied to Us once again, this time about the way in which 5 US troops died in Iraq. They claimed that they died in routine fighting, when in fact they were kidnapped and executed. This was a major scandal.

Now, suddenly, without any proof that I have seen, the same government that lied to us a week ago is telling us that the 5 deaths were the result of action by covert Iranian agents. Their proof? The operation was too sophisticated to be have been carried out by anyone else.


I will admit that sometimes our president seems a bit like Gomer Pyle, but I am pretty sure that either his CIA or the Iraqi security forces are capable of disguising themselves as US troops and engaging in battle with real US troops. So are Al Qaeda, the people who planned and carried out 9-11. So are the Israelis. So are the Saudis.

This story is starting to sound like the kid who broke the vase and now claims that a burglar broke into the house. The Bush Administration was caught lying about the manner of the deaths of 5 US service personnel (because they did not want to inflame ant-war sentiment at home), and so now they are going to try to change the subject. Until I see some real proof that Iran or someone else was involved, the real issue for me will remain that the administration was caught lying to us about events in Iraq once again for political reasons.
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IWantAChange Donating Member (974 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-31-07 01:27 PM
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1. Bushco continues to be a disgrace to the men and women in uniform.
Politicizing the deaths of American servicemen is repugnant.
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BuyingThyme Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-31-07 01:29 PM
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2. This is what the CIA does.
They pit international factions against one another with the sole objective of generating profits for corporations.

With very few exceptions, that's basically all they've ever done.
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