here are a few articles. Let me know if you want more. Now remember we are only discussing
ideas regardless of the source.
Claiming “material support of terrorism”
FBI raids homes of antiwar activists
The raids, carried out under the auspices of the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), are a transparent attempt to intimidate political opponents of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They come on the heels of a Justice Department inspector general’s report revealing massive police infiltration and spying on antiwar groups and other political dissenters in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. (See: “Report whitewashes FBI political spying”)
The political nature of the raids was barely concealed. The warrant to raid Kelly’s home specifically cited his membership in a group calling itself socialist, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO). Signed by US Magistrate Judge Susan Nelson at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, it allowed the FBI to take “documents, files, books, photographs, videos, souvenirs, war relics, notebooks, address books, diaries, journals, maps, or other evidence, including evidence in electronic form relating to Kelly’s travels to and from and presence and activities in Minnesota and other foreign countries, to which Kelly has traveled as part of his work for FRSO,” according to an attorney representing Kelly.
The federal law prohibiting “material support of terrorism” was established in 1996 and “has been interpreted so broadly to really endanger the rights of US citizens to oppose the military and foreign policies of the United States,” Nestor added. “This is a direct attack on people who are strong, dedicated advocates of freedom, of the right of people to be free from US domination. It is an attack upon anybody who organizes against US imperialism and US militarism abroad.”
FBI Raids Homes of Antiwar and Pro-Palestinian Activists in Chicago and Minneapolis
... FBI Raids in Minnesota, Chicago, Iowa
By S. T., on September 25th, 2010
An official left a home in the 2900 block of Park Av. in Minneapolis after a search warrant was executed at the residence.
Big Brother is raiding homes again. The excuse is “terrorism”. During the Bush administration this would not have been a surprise, but it’s not quite as expected now, or so we thought. . . .
Anti-war protesters and peace groups are still be intimidated and their rights to free speech chilled around the United States by false accusations of “terrorist activities”. The most recent of these Orwellian property seizures and intimidations happened in Minneapolis and Chicago. Similar surveilance and intimidation happened recently in Iowa.
Were the homes of Tea Party activists, who routinely carry loaded guns and make threats, raided too? No. This is what Tea Party people should be protesting — real abuse of power. Government intimidation and violations of our Constitutional rights to free speech and assembly is much more serious than rich people getting a long overdue tax hike.
Why do American citizens not have the right to protest war and meet to discuss peace without being harrassed by the FBI? These raids are nothing short of our freedom of speech and assembly under attack. Since Republicans are so concerned with Constitutional rights lately, which these raids are in violation of, I would expect them to be at the forefront of denouncing this. But we don’t see that happening.
... Raids Activists' Homes in Sinister COINTELPRO Replay
In a replay of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's infamous COINTELPRO operations targeting the left during the 1960s and '70s, America's political police launched raids on the homes of antiwar and solidarity activists on Friday.
The warrant allowed the FBI to take "documents, files, books, photographs, videos, souvenirs, war relics, notebooks, address books, diaries, journals, maps, or other evidence, including evidence in electronic form relating to Kelly's travels to and from and presence and activities in Minnesota and other foreign countries, to which Kelly has traveled as part of his work for FRSO."
Reprising the red-hunting frenzy of the McCarthy period at the height of the Cold War, the warrant specifies that the Bureau was authorized by Obama's Justice Department to seize material relating to "the recruitment, indoctrination, and facilitation of other individuals in the United States to join FRSO, including materials related to the identity and location of recruiters, facilitators, and recruits, the means by which the recruits were recruited to join FRSO, the means by which the recruitment was financed and arranged."
In other words, with a bogus "terrorism investigation" as a pretext, the Obama regime is targeting socialist political groups for destruction in order for Democrats to whip-up "War on Terror" and anticommunist hysteria prior to November general elections that may see Congress pass into the hands of the troglodytic Republican faction of war criminals and corporatists.
... from last article:
he FBI is really getting extremely bold in their tactics. However Cointelpro didn't stop in the 80s and 90s. In Seattle in 1981 the FBI collaborated with Marcos agents to assassinate Filipino cannery workers and union organizers Domingo and Viernes. As a CISPES member in the 1980s, I had personal experience with the FBI infiltrating our chapter. And after they broke it up, subjecting some of us to ongoing harassment. Infiltration and harassment was even more intense in Seattle's African American community in the 80s and 90s. It's just that prior to the Internet, knowledge of such things was limited to hard core activists. I write about some of this in my recent memoir THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY ACT: MEMOIR OF AN AMERICAN REFUGEE ( I currently live in exile in New Zealand.