I opened the thing, and apparently somebody told Sharon that I am a Republican... and one of the damn base.
That said the dog whistles are quite impressive.
"Not only is this the #1 race in America this year, it is nothing less than a referendum on the far left policies of Barack Obama and Harry Reid."
Far left Sharon? REALLY? But this is the COMMIES ARE COMING sound byte.
On the list is the stimulus (Obama, not far enough), the TARP... (Ok correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Paulson the Secretary of the Treasury for one George Dubya Bush?) Of course the government take over of health care... hey on the bright side NO death panels, trillion dollar deficits... where were the deficit hawks oh even in 2006? Growing national debt... well again, where were they even as late as 2006?
You should know that Reid is far more powerful than any of us thought he was. Aparently it was Harry who pushed all these things through. While the leader is important, he ain't a dictator. Oh and Obama and Reid are joined at the hip at pushing this government expansion agenda... translation they are commies.
"What I need are 1 million patriotic Americans (translation Republicans and White... I fail on both counts) who love this great country enough to give $25 to give Harry Reid the boot."
"I pray that you are one of them." (Aka a good God Fearing WHITE Christian...
I got to admit,. she gave me a chuckle, and I do hope her data mining is leading to a LOT of these letters to the wrong targets.
Now I got a couple conures that will have fun tomorrow...
Oh and finally you should know, "defeating Reid will spell doom for Obama's agenda!" (I mean that uppity...)
Ain't deciphering dog whistles fun?
By the way not one time did I read the world PRESIDENT in this very short letter. I guess Republicans do have issues with readying comprehension, or most likely... they know how to craft the message... this is full of them dog whistles, you just need to know how to read them.