"A long-term trend that has to be encouraging to the Democrats and worrying to the Republicans is the GOP's continuing inability to attract Latino voters, nationally the most rapidly growing demographic group. A new LA Times poll shows Latinos backing Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) over Carly Fiorina (R) for senator by 38% and Jerry Brown (D) over Meg Whitman (R) for governor by 19%. Latinos are overwhelmingly Democratic and even a moderate Republican like Whitman has no chance with them while a somewhat conservative Republican (by current standards) like Fiorina gets completely trashed. Had tea party favorite Chuck DeVore (R) won the senatorial primary, Boxer's lead might have been 50% among Latinos. Thus as the Republican party moves to the right, as evidenced by tea party candidates beating the establishment favorites in Colorado, Kentucky, Nevada, Utah, and elsewhere, it loses more and more Latino votes. Currently 21% of California voters are Latinos and this percentage is growing. There are also large and rapidly growing Latino populations in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, which is going to affect elections for years to come".