So investments in jobs and...
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Mon Sep-27-10 07:25 AM
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So investments in jobs and... |
| expansion are now done with after-tax money as opposed to using these reinvestments as a before-tax shelter?
That appears to be what those in favor of continuing the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy want you to believe.
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Mon Sep-27-10 07:31 AM
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1. and with a neg vote...some here also |
Bonhomme Richard
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Mon Sep-27-10 08:13 AM
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2. They count on people not understandingf how business works. |
Edited on Mon Sep-27-10 08:14 AM by Bonhomme Richard
The businessmen that hires people out of the goodness of his heart are rare birds. People get hired if the businessman believes it will increase his bottom line. Same goes for investing in business. On another note. If the government did not give tax breaks on R & D and things like that the companies would still invest (their own money) in R & D because that is what they have to do to survive and grow.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 02:33 PM
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