A first-rate rant, this. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/09/27/DDJG1FIKOR.DTLHere's what gets my goat, among the many things that get my goat. Senators live in Washington, D.C., most of the time. They mix with rich people and powerful people at private cocktail parties and dinners. They are aware that some of the people they socialize with are gay. They are aware that some of their colleagues, and the aides to their colleagues, are gay. They no more believe that gay people are a threat to unit cohesion than they believe that aliens have established villages on Jupiter.
And yet they have to pretend for their people. Their constituents, their base, still believe that one gay guy in a shower room is going to panic the other soldiers. It's not true, of course, but the panderers have to keep their base happy in this election year - one-third of the Senate is up for re-election - so they get all misty-eyed about manly showers with manly men. Or something.
Also, they seek to convince voters that gay people are a threat of the American family. They ignore that many loving American families have gay members; sometimes Mom and Dad are actually Mom and Mom. The world does not fall in. When Adam and Steve adopt kids, the moon does not wobble in its orbit. If the American family is in trouble, I would suggest two reasons - people getting married too young, and drug and alcohol abuse. You can't really outlaw either of these things - you think Congress is gonna ban alcohol? That's the drug of choice for home wreckers everywhere - but Congress people can be aware of the social realities.
But the senators have chosen bigotry because it's easier. They don't believe in the malign effects of gayitude, but the Tea Party naifs do believe it. They don't get out much - and they are unwilling to place blame for the problems of the Amercian family where it belongs, mostly with young, straight, marginally employed people. You could argue that the fiscal policies of George W. Bush were responsible for the breakup of American families far more than anything any gay people might do. In fact, I do argue that."Gayitude"!! :rofl: