My partner has been a teacher in some of the worst parts of Minneapolis since god knows when.
Unless people deal with people from poverty, the simply can't understand what he has to go through to get kids to learn, and he's a music teacher!
He's been shuffled from school to school, sometimes working three different schools in one day to stay full-time. Parents pawn the instruments for drugs, so he has to go file police reports, hunt down the instruments, etc.
He went to VHI Behind the Music and actually won 250K for his school to buy new instruments (which is HEROIC in my opinion). He's constantly writing grants, putting on his concerts, buying reeds for his kids who can't afford them, and even taking kids to and from their concerts because their parents don't have cars or are passed-out on the couch.
So it makes my blood when I hear about teachers being the problem. He is a freaking BABYSITTER half of them time, taking care of the children's needs that they don't get at home. He definitely isn't "lazy" and sure as hell works more than forty hours a week.
Oh, and the district has broken down with the union, so he hasn't had a pay raise in two years, that supposedly he'll be retro-payed for, but our Governor REPUBLICAN Tim Pawlenty keeps slashing the budgets so they just keep stalling. By the way, the superintendent got a nice fat raise, naturally.
Imagine if YOUR boss said, "Oh I'll just retro-pay you later"?! How would you feel about that? This is money he is OWED. Lord knows how much it is, but we could really use it right about now. It has to be a few thousand dollars.
Anyway, I know not every situation is like ours. But I love and live with a teacher, and I know several of them. They are SAINTS for all they do for these kids. And I'm not even going to get into NCLB and these wastes of tests that do absolutely nothing.