This story should make all DU members want to join the ACLU who defended Mr. Graber! is the Maryland motorcyclist who had his home raided, was arrested, jailed, and charged with two felonies for recording his traffic stop and posting it to the Internet.
Here's Harford County, Maryland Circuit Court Judge Emory A Pitt Jr.:
"Those of us who are public officials and are entrusted with the power of the state are ultimately accountable to the public. When we exercise that power in public fora, we should not expect our actions to be shielded from public observation."
This is great news, and it's an encouragingly direct repudiation of Harford County DA Joseph Casilly.
But let's also note the double standard, here. This is a question of whether Maryland law prohibits the audio recording of police in public spaces. If Anthony Graber had been wrong on the law, what harm would he have caused? He would have violated the privacy of an on-duty government official acting in his official capacity along a public highway. Yes, could make a pretty good case that Trooper David Uhler suffered no real harm at all.