Carl Paladino’s Halloween Drunktacular
Posted about 20 hours ago by Christopher Smith. 5 comments
While Andrew Cuomo was in Monroe County rallying supporters and actually campaigning, Carl Paladino was having himself a helluva time at South Buffalo watering hole, Potter’s Field. The bar, just down the block from Carl’s house is one of his favorite places to grab a beer and hang out with his core constituents; zombies.
Several correspondents on the scene (including the person who submitted the pictures to us) report that Carl was pretty well lubricated and enjoyed spending time with another core constituency, guys in blackface.
Unlike his last time out on the town, Carl did not insult any burlesque dancers by asking to “see their p#ssy” or throw around gay epithets. So, he has that going for him, which is nice.
More: also, Carl Paladino: “Show me your Pu$y”
According to numerous and verified accounts of the incident, a drunken Carl Paladino started to harass one of the burlesque dancers on stage, grabbing her leg and asking her to “show me your pussy“. Becker, who was working in the bar, repeatedly warned Paladino to leave the girls alone and not to leave his drink on the stage but continued to harass the women. When warned again, Paladino’s response to Becker was “shut up you fucking dyke. Don’t quit your day job.”
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