">Some statistics:
Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for Thursday October 28, 2010
FNC 1,340,00
CNN 347,000
MSNBC 464,000
CNBC 165,000
HLN 280,000
Roughly 2.6 million people are glancing at cable news during the day. And this is during an election cycle, with the midterm election mere days away. These are just about as high as these daytime numbers get.
2.6 million people. In a country of 310 million, about 224,440,000 of those are over 20. Assuming only adults over 20 account for the viewership of cable news, that is 1.15% of the American adult population watching some portion of cable news during the day. During prime time, cable news is pulling in roughly 5.6 million viewers - roughly 2.5% of the over 20 adult population.
And this is during an election cycle.
If these were network shows, 95% of them would be canceled. This is a vanishingly small audience. And yet they suck all the energy and oxygen out of our discourse. Politicians respond to what happens in this vanishingly small world. Political bloggers give them endless attention. Journalists treat whatever a cable talking head is saying to their handful of viewers as very nearly holy writ.
What is wrong with this picture? A Sarah Palin could only live in this distorted world.
How much activism and energy that could be used in the real world, on the streets, tending to the suffering of others is instead expended because some no-name nobody somewhere
said something on a show with practically no viewers? How much time is wasted on shows and people that no one in the country is watching anyway? We just had an entire political rally about this tiny subset of American media.
Is there anyone with perspective in the room? How much longer will this distracted state continue as the country crumbles around us?
And this is not a Republican/Democratic or liberal/conservative thing. Both sides obsess over this small subset of media, both sides expend enormous amounts of energy fighting and arguing and pushing and lending validity to people who wouldn't make it four episodes as a mid-season replacement on the CW with their audience.
I don't watch cable news. Quite simply, I haven't the time. Most Americans don't. Aren't our most active political operatives doing the American people a grave disservice by treating this tiny portion of media as kingmakers and oracles? Isn't there just about
anything else they could be doing?
Yet tomorrow, and the next day, and the next year, and the next election, this handful of people will suck all the oxygen and energy out of the room, consume thousands of hours that could be alleviating real suffering somewhere, grab and keep the attention of the political junkies who could be boots on the ground in a real movement towards justice.
It's ridiculous. When do you say enough and work to break that hold? Or are you, too, enthralled?